Imran Khan has decided to go out in public after seeing his power gone which will be decided later whether it is right or not. Imran Khan had given a call to the people to protest peacefully on Sunday. It was said that after this a huge crowd of people went out for the march which proves that the people are still out in support of him due to which he has to deal with such issues now.

Imran Khan has said that after Isha prayers on Wednesday, he will hold a power show in Peshawar in which he will talk about how and what to do, after which the regime in Pakistan has retaliated and why it is weak. In this situation, people have to look at how to deal with it

On Wednesday, a sea of ​​people will be on the streets of Peshawar, which will help to prove what PTI's next course of action is going to be, whether they will be threatened by the opposition Khan, during his tenure in government, has tried hard to take revenge on the opposition, after which the opposition has now come to power. Will know what is going to happen

Imran Khan has said that the immediate and only solution to the problem in Pakistan is new elections which will be held soon then the country will move towards betterment and his team is going to talk big about dissolving the assembly. If Imran Khan had taken an unconstitutional step which was tantamount to violating the constitution and law of Pakistan, would the investigation by the former opposition prove that the next phase of the new government is going to happen and how can this work.

Imran Khan had ruled Pakistan for three years and a few months in which the country was in dire straits. Has become the new Prime Minister of Pakistan, which is considered a symbol of progress and prosperity.