Man needs food to survive, so that he can meet all his needs. He also needs
vitamins, proteins, fiber and other nutrients but now he is suffering from
malnutrition. The world seems to be developing very fast, thanks to which all
the work is being done.
Where man has created conveniences for himself, he has also added
difficulties for himself and this is what has a great impact on man. Every day,
with new research and new inventions, man has faced many needs. However, due to
the lack of food there, man has increased his difficulties
The risk of human malnutrition has increased due to the environment and
mixing, on the basis of which all the work is being done.
Allah has blessed Pakistan with every blessing from Muhallah. Pakistan
creates its own need to eat every crop and seeks alternative solutions for
itself. Wheat, rice, maize, millet, barley, many crops Pakistan produces every
year and It is increasing day by day but still Pakistan is studying to import
wheat from other countries
Where there was no water system people have installed tube wells and where
there were this system the governments have sold the network of canals and
Pakistan is a big country in the world in terms of agriculture where there
is no shortage of anything but still there are areas of Pakistan where food is
not available. This is a moment of concern for the country. It is the eighth
largest country in the world, but it has the most food shortages. People do not
get good quality food to eat.
While the people of the country ignore the advice of Pakistani physicians
without considering it important, which is causing a lot of problems. Poverty
is increasing day by day which is adding to the problems. Inflation from above
has made life difficult for the people.
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